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    Protech Fall Monitoring Alarms

    Manufacturer: Protech

    Protech Fall Monitoring Alarms by Dynarex are an easy way to help ensure the safety of patients. The mobility sensors run continuously and notify nurses when there are pressure changes on a patient’s bed or wheelchair. There are many alarm options available to best suit your personal needs.



    • Features a unique alarm tone
    • Low Battery Indicator flashes when battery needs to be replaced
    • Compatible with Chair Sensors, Bed Sensors, Seat Belt Systems, and Floor Mat Sensor Pads
    • Available with string operation (Protech® String Fall Monitor P-800100), movable sensor pad (Protech® Mobile Monitor P-800200), remote call functionality (Protech® Flex Monitor P-800300), 3-way functionality (Protech® Ultra Monitor P-800900), a recordable voice option (Protech® Voice Monitor P-800400)
    • 1-Year Warranty